Community Development

This page contains information for residents and those that are considering investing in the city as it relates to zoning, development, incentives, and related processes.  Routine building projects (single family homes, decks, additions, and trade work) should consult the building services section.

Below, you will find links to the city's planning and zoning documents, applications, and policies. These documents can assist those that are interested in zoning property, developing property, repurposing existing commercial buildings, or seeking variances for existing properties. As a small, close-knit community, the best way to proceed is with a call or email to staff if you have questions or are new to the permitting and development process.The city's dedicated Community and Economic Development Director is Samantha Fountain. She can be reached at the city offices or by email. Parties potentially seeking zoning, site plan, or related approvals (owners, buyers, developers, contractors, or occupants) are encouraged to contact Adam Zettel at the city offices prior to enaging in application submission, project design, or final due diligence. The city can assist in creating a custom checklist, project flowchart, discussing incentives, and consulting on zoning matters early in the process to save applicants time and money.