City Clerk
Renee Kraft, CMC, MiPMC-2 

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The City Clerk is responsible for the management and preservation of the official records of the City of Swartz Creek.  The City Clerk maintains all City Codes, Ordinances, Resolutions, Policies and other legal documents.

City Clerk Forms, Documents & Important Information

In addition, the City Clerk:
Is responsible for public notices.
Administers the Oath of Office to City officials and members of City boards and commissions.
Administers all elections held within the City; assuring compliance with all State, Federal and City laws.

The office serves as the voter registration authority for City residents and works cooperatively with other jurisdictions in the maintenance of voter registration records throughout the State of Michigan.  The City Clerk is the Chair of the City’s Election Commission.

 The City of Swartz Creek is divided into four wards with one Council member elected for each ward and three At-Large Council members.

 The City of Swartz Creek has one polling location, the United Methodist Church located at 7400 Miller Road,  that accommodates all four of the Wards.

Register to Vote:

If you would like to register to vote, you may click the link to the Michigan Voter Information Center.
If you would like to download a .pdf voter registration application, please click the link to Printable Voter Registration Application.
If you would like an absentee ballot click the link to Secretary of State 
Absent voter ballots are available to registered voters for all elections. They provide a convenient method for casting a ballot instead of attending the polls on election day.
Insert all above before the Fill out the necessary form and mail or deliver it to the:

Clerk's Office
City of Swartz Creek
8083 Civic Dr.
Swartz Creek, MI 48473

Election Dates and Times:

Election Day: Election day voting hours are from 7:00am - 8:00pm. Voting location for all four precincts are at the Swartz Creek Community Church (formerly known at United Methodist Church) at 7400 Miller Rd, Swartz Creek, MI 48473.

School/Special Election Day: The first Tuesday following the first Monday in May

Primary Election Day:             The first Tuesday following the first Monday in August.

General Election Day:             The first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. 

Presidential Primary Day:       The fourth Tuesday in February

Early Voting for all State and Federal elections: 9 days of early voting starts 11 days before election day (Saturday) and ends 2 days before election day (Sunday). Early Voting will be located at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 8083 Civic Dr, Swartz Creek, MI 48473 from 8:00am - 4:00pm.

School/Special elections are held every year.  County, State and Federal elections are held in even numbered years.

Election Inspector:

If you are interested in being an election inspector for the City of Swartz Creek please fill out the Election Inspector Application.  Turn in application to the City Clerk. 

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a Michigan statute that gives the public the right to documents regarding the affairs of government, public officials and public employees.  Under the Act, a person has the right to inspect, copy or receive copies of “public records” of a “public body”.  

To make a Freedom of Information request, please fill out a FOIA form.  This form must be filled out as the formal request.  There are also charges that may be associated with the Freedom of Information request.