creek road work sign

City Street Information Downloads

February Street Update

Projects for 2021 will include:
Chelmsford from Daval to Seymour
Oakview from Daval to Seymour
Improvements will include new water main; removal and replacement of the street, sidewalks, curbs; forestery; limited drainage work; lighting improvements; decorative signs.
Tree work is likely to begin in February, with Consumers Energy gas line replacement shortly thereafter.
Depending on weather conditions, water main replacement will commence in early spring, along with drainage work. Street work will continue through the summer months adn into the fall. The contractor will use door hangers to communicate planned water disruptions and driveway access limits. Note: not all water disruptions or access issues can be planned!
Restoration, including decorative signs/lights, may not be completed prior to winter weater onset.

November Street Update

The 2020 portions of Winston, Oakview, Chelmsford, and Oxford are substantially complete! Note that restoration may continue in the spring. Decorative lighting and signs are still in the works. If you have issues with tree or sign placement, please contact the city offices. Note that the parking on Oakview has been flipped from the east side to the west side to align opposite the water main and hydrants.
Projects for 2021 will include:
Chelmsford from Daval to Seymour
Oakview from Daval to Seymour
Improvements will include new water main; removal and replacement of the street, sidewalks, curbs; forestery; limited drainage work; lighting improvements; decorative signs.

May Street Update

Street construction is expected to begin in June. Due to the scale of the project, work will be split into two years. The first year is expected to include:
Chelmsord from Winston to Daval
Winston from Chesterfield to Chelmsford
Oakview from Chelmsford to Daval
Oxford Court
Year two will include:
Chelmsford from Daval to Seymour
Oakview from Daval to Seymour
Improvements will include new water main; removal and replacement of the street, sidewalks, curbs; forestery; limited drainage work; lighting improvements; decorative signs.
Waste services and postal service will continue, but interuptions/delays are expected.
The rational behind the selection of projects is to construct from east to west. This will limit the amount of 2021 construction traffic that will require access over new streets.

April Street Update

COVID 19 is really messing with things. 2020 projects have not been cancelled, but we are all familiar with the pattern of excalation and extension of COVID 19 protocols. As such, it is entirely possible that we will lose the entire construction season. We will be looking to get guidance from the State of Michgian on public projects soon. Stay tuned. See the updates below for details on 2020 projects and past work efffots.

March 2020 Street Update

We are entering into another season of street renovations! Big projects are on the way, but this year is a bit different because the projects were bid with a USDA water main project. This means that more work than normal is on the agenda, but the project is to be spread over TWO SUMMERS. We will have a firm understanding of which project components will be scheduled for 2020 after the city's engineer and contractor are able to meet and affirm details. Here is a summary of the street projects that were bid:
Winston (Chesterfield to Oakview)
Oakview (Winston to Seymour:
Oxford Court
All sections will include full street demolitions and replacement, with curbs, sidewalk, water main, street forestry, and some lighting components.
Note that this project is being split into sections to accommodate the scope of water main work also being conducted in other areas (Morrish Road, Bristol Road, and Miller Road). We must also navigate the school improvements at Syring. With that said, we suspect Winston, the east block of Chelmsford (with Oxford), and the east block of Oakview will be complete in 2020. This can and probably will change!
Glaeser Dawes was the sealed low-bid award winner. This is the company that has completed the last few projects in Winchester Village, excluding 2019 Fairchild Street work. They will NOT be staging in Abrams Park this year.