creek road work sign

City Street Information Downloads

May 2019 Street Update

The schedule for our 2019 street projects has been updated. For a description of the full scope of work, see the March update below.

Fairchild Street is due to commence on or around June 10th, with the udnerstanding that the State of Michigan is expected to 'forgive' the additional snow day requirement that would otherwise require school to remain in session that week. Note that the city council is expected to approve an intersection study for Cappy Lane and Fairchild to ascertain what changes might be warrented to maintain safe vehicle and pedestrian use. This corridor will also be a primary focus for the Safe Routes to School Initiative that is due to occur this summer.

Helmsley Drive is also due to commence on or around mid-June, with the understanding that the project will be substantially complete prior to the commencement of fall class at Syring.

The downtown streetscape will commence after the Hometown Days festival.

Surface maintenance on streets in the form of crack sealing may also be performed in the fall. A scope of work has not yet been developed.

Hill Road rehabilitation was submitted to the state for 'Catagory B' funding. The status of this applicatoin is not known. Work will not commence without a grant award.

March 2019 Street Update

There are three projects with accepted bids slated for 2019. They include Helmsley, Fairchild, and the downtown streetscape.
Helmsley Drive is going to be a full reconstruction of the street. Because the original watermain has been replaced, there will not be new watermain installed  As such, underground work will be very limited. However, the project will include full depth road replacement, new curb/gutter, and storm storm work. Sidewalks and approaches that were not replaced during the previous watermain work will be replaced at this point. Decorative signs and lighting to match previous projects is proposed, and forestry will be completed on a limited basis. This project is expected to start after school releases for the summer, and it should be substantially complete prior to Labor Day.This project is funding with local tax dollars. Traffic is expected to remain open with temporary limits to lane use and property access.  However, based upon the project scope, there will be notable hardships at certain times to access driveways. It is unclear of Consumers Energy proposed gas line replacement to coincide with this project.
Fairchild Street is a rehabilitation project. The surface of the street, from Miller Road to Cappy Lane will be milled and resurfaced. Additional lighting is proposed. Curb and gutter work will be limited to spot repair only, and no additional work is proposed for sidewalks, approaches, forestry, or underground utilities. However, Consumers Energy MAY be in the area prior to project commencement to replace gas leads. This project is expected to commence after school releases for the summer and be substantially complete prior to Labor Day. Traffic is expected to remain open with temporary limits to lane use and property access.This project is funded by a combination of federal and local tax dollars as an MDOT project.
The downtown streetscape project includes the frontage of Miller Road between Holland Drive and Hayes Street. This project is funded by Downtown Development Authority reserves/loan, a contribution from Exxon (Holland Square access agreement), and the city's 2019 discretionary general fund. This project is expected to commence in June and be substantially complete in September. Traffic is expected to remain open with temporary limits to lane use and property access. The scope includes:
Surfacing of Holland Square for public use/parking
Replacement sidewalks on Miller
Limited forestry
Decorative lighting
Two pedestrian refuge islands for crossing Miller
Masonry barriers and decorative fending/landscaping to enclose specific public and private property features
Electrical service drops/area lighting for Holland Square
Additional preventative maintenance projects may still be scheduled for fall of 2019 depending on circumstances. This would include crack filling and road sealant. The city is also applying for new opportunistic grant to rehabilitate Hill Road between Seymour and the city limits.

May Street Updates

May 17, 2018 Supplement:  Restoration for 2017 projects is going to be increased in scope due to concerns about stones, roots, and grading issues. The contractor shall be engaged in additional restoration efforts that are expected to be complete by May 25th. Some additional trees shall be installed as well. Contact the city office if you are in the impacted area and desire one.
The Daval reconstruction is moving along. Sidewalks are in, with driveways and curb to follow. Road demolition is underway. With any luck the project should be substantially complete by mid-summer.
Additional work that has been slated for 2018 includes crack filling on:
Miller from Dye to Morrish
Parkridge Subdivision
Jennie Lane
Church Street
Rehabilitation is going to occur on:
Mason Street
Paul Fortino Drive
Maple/Crapo (repair by Morrish only)
Helmsley is projected to be reconstructed in 2019
See prior reports (below) to view the FAQ, which covers forestry, contacts, and other common matters.

April Street Update

Reconstruction on Daval Drive is waaaay ahead of schedule, despite the April snow, ice, and low temperatures. Forestry, and water main work are now substantially complete, and crews are working on sidewalk installation.  By the end of the month, we may even see the beginning of curb and road demolition. Overall, the project could be done by mid-summer.
Driveway interruptions for curb, sidewalk, and drive approach will occur. Notice will usually be one or two days due to scheduling with weather.
Restoration for last year's projects is pending! This will include filling low spots, replacing damaged concrete (please report any if you have not already), and planting grass. This has been delayed due to the long lasting winter.
With the project so far ahead of budget, the city council will be holding a special meeting at 7pm on April 30th to consider additional 2018 road work. Options include surface rehabilitation on select streets near downtown, Helmsley street reconstruction, and/or some combination of projects and saving for future projects. The meeting will be in the council chambers at 8083 Civic Drive.
See prior reports (below) to view the FAQ, which covers forestry, contacts, and other common matters.

March Street Update

2018 will not be as busy as 2017. However, those residents on Daval will probably wish they were somewhere else by mid-summer.

Reconstruction of Daval is the sole reconstruction project for this year. Any rehabilitiation or maintenance projects will be announced in future reports.

The Daval project, though smaller in scope, will resemble the reconstruction efforts from last year and include the following:

  • Replacement of Consumers Energy gas services by Consumers Energy and/or their private contractors (March)
  • Removal of most street right-of-way trees (March)
  • Replacement of all water main, water services, and storm drain features (April-July)
  • Removal and replacment of the street, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street trees, select decorative lamps/signs (July-September)
Staging for construction is to take place in Winshall Park, near Whitney Court. Equipment and materials will be here throughout the duration of the project.

Waste and recycling is still planned for curbside pickup.

Driveway interuptions will occur as necessary to trench water main, remove/replace curb/sidewalk/drive approaches. The estimated interuptions that are expected to deny access are overnight is set at 6-8 days. The contract will inform you in advance of these interuptions and indicate where you should be able to park.

See prior reports (below) to view the FAQ, which covers forestry, timelines, and other common matters.

Common contacts are:

City Hall (general questions):                 810.635.4464

Joe Pacek (construction issues):               810.869.5108

Contractor (for private work add-ons):     810.487.1560